user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby Kenji
Films 226
Comments 19
Followers 1751

In tiers, most essential 36 first, in changeable order, the rest by year.

Great work by Blue K, manager of team Africa, semi finalists in our Auteurs/Mubi Film World Cup. And do see his superb list Songs of the Griot. Kuxa Kanema/The Africa Project has been building a tremendous collection of lists in a “Lost Continent” series, on South Africa, Mozambique, Cameroon, Tunisia..; a collection that is surely one of this site’s great treasures. And now a tremendous undertaking, in different parts, “The Africa Project”: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6. Kolar has done a very comprehensive list...

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