user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby Kenji
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Followers 610

YEAR ORDER, MOST ESSENTIAL FIRST. Suggestions welcome. Image above is of the Hungarian parliament in Budapest.


Famous Hungarians include composers Liszt, Bartok, Ligeti, photographer Robert Capa, all round artist László Moholy-Nagy, footballer Ferenc Puskas, -cube-maker Rubik, and in films further afield, Michael Curtiz (Kertész Mihály), Bela Lugosi (Blaskó Béla), Peter Medak, Sir Alexander Korda (Kellner Sándor) and Emeric Pressburger.

Oh, and in literature there’s the great 19th century poem by Arany Janos, “A Walesi Bárdok”, The Bards of Wales, well known to Hungarians, still recited by school children.