user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby Kenji
Films 150
Comments 3
Followers 32

Film: The Critics’ Choice is a book from 2001, edited by Geoff Andrew, with a selection of 150 films, 10 (well 11, with a pair) distinguished critics each picking 15 films to cover a different era or aspect of cinema

David Bordwell: The Silent Era (#1-15)
David Thomson: America: The Studio Years (16-30)
Philip French: America: Years of Change (31-45)
Amy Taubin and Kent Jones: America: The Modern Era (46-60)
Gilbert Adair: Europe: The Golden Age (61-75)
Jonathan Rosenbaum: Europe: New Waves (76-90)
Jonathan Romney: Europe: A New Fin de Siecle (91-105)
Peter Wollen: British Cinema...

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