Wunderschönes, faszinierendes, unglaubliches Kino.

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Regie von Marta Bergman, Frédéric Fichefet
Belgien, Frankreich, 2005

Darum geht's

Since the recent death of Nicolae Neacsu, star violinist of the Taraf de Haïdouks, things have taken a turn for the worse in Clejani, a village in the south of Romania. Young musicians without work chase away their depression with drugs and dreams of the West.

Darum geht's

Since the recent death of Nicolae Neacsu, star violinist of the Taraf de Haïdouks, things have taken a turn for the worse in Clejani, a village in the south of Romania. Young musicians without work chase away their depression with drugs and dreams of the West.