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Das asthenische Syndrom
Das asthenische Syndrom
329 Bewertungen


Астенический синдром | Astenichesky sindrom

Regie von Kira Muratova
Sowjetunion, 1989

Darum geht's

In the old days it was called hypochrondria, or black melancholia. Now, apparently, it’s termed the Asthenic Syndrome. Whatever it is, Nikolai, a teacher of epicly indifferent pupils, has got it, and it’s not much fun.

Darum geht's

In the old days it was called hypochrondria, or black melancholia. Now, apparently, it’s termed the Asthenic Syndrome. Whatever it is, Nikolai, a teacher of epicly indifferent pupils, has got it, and it’s not much fun.