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Hard Boiled III - The Last Blood
Hard Boiled III - The Last Blood
7 Bewertungen


Jing tian shi er xiao shi

Regie von Wong Jing
Hongkong, 1991
Action, Thriller

Darum geht's

The Red Army will stop at nothing to assassinate the Daka Lama during his visit to Singapore on Nation Day. En route, he meets Ling May, a young woman who shares his horoscope; he tells her that they face a day of danger, and she scoffs at him.

Darum geht's

The Red Army will stop at nothing to assassinate the Daka Lama during his visit to Singapore on Nation Day. En route, he meets Ling May, a young woman who shares his horoscope; he tells her that they face a day of danger, and she scoffs at him.