Foto de Barry Foster
Foto de Barry Foster

Barry Foster

“I'd had a couple of successes in the West End onstage, and I was doing a play by David Mercer at the Criterion called After Haggerty, with Billie Whitelaw. Someone said, 'Oh, Alfred Hitchcock's in tonight'. Next morning, my agent said 'Mr. Hitchcock would like to meet you at 100 Piccadilly'. So, along I went. He said, 'I'm making this picture about a murderer. I'd like you to take the script away and tell me if you'd like to play it'.”

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    JAMES IVORY Reino Unido, 1987

    Treinta años antes de Call Me By Your Name, este suntuoso drama de época de Merchant Ivory encapsuló su perspectiva singularmente tierna y directa sobre el amor gay. Con un joven Hugh Grant en una interpretación apasionada y desgarradora, esta obra visionaria del cine queer ha dejado huella.


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