One of the most content-rich film publications online or off has juiced up its form with Issue 52: Senses of Cinema now sports a bright new design, RSS, tags, the works. Editors Rolando Caputo and Scott Murray introduce all the nifty features and then quickly add that "for all the technical distractions in producing this issue, all along we have very much kept at the forefront of our minds our responsibility to present an issue that is as rich and varied in reading material as any in our archives." Beginning with Maša Peče's interview with Terry Gilliam, "as frank and candid as any on record," they walk us through the highlights.
October's here, meaning the Countdown to Halloween has begun. A project going by that very name has linked literally dozens of participants into a community of bloggers writing about scary monsters and super creeps. Note, too, that Not Coming to a Theater Near You's 31 Days of Horror VI is underway; Bill Ryan has launched his terrific series on literary horror; Richard Harland Smith points to more ongoing scare-a-thons; and Bob Turnbull's caught the spirit as well.
Not only is 2009 fading fast; so are the 00s, and many have decided it's not too early to begin looking back at the best cinema of the decade. Mike D'Angelo is introducing the results of the Skandies poll with clips from the best films and performances. Glenn Heath and The Filmist are teaming up for "Best of the 2000s" project; and Joe Bowman's been working on his Decade List for months now.
It's been a while since I reminded you that the "Shorts"-like news and tips are tweeted: @theauteursdaily; you can also create a bookmark for yourself to track specific topics, e.g., "Polanski."
Image: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.