Photo de Roman Kolinka
Photo de Roman Kolinka

Roman Kolinka

[IMDb on Roman Kolinka]: His paternal grandparents were born to Jewish families (from Ukraine, Russia, and Romania) that emigrated to France. His paternal grandmother, Ginette Kolinka, survived the Auschwitz concentration camp.



    MIA HANSEN-LØVE France, 2016

    A profound reflection on personhood and identity, Mia Hansen-Løve’s Things to Come effortlessly brings the pleasures of philosophy into everyday life. In one of her most touching performances, Isabelle Huppert exquisitely conveys the tempestuous gap between one’s private and intellectual personas.


    OLIVIER ASSAYAS France, 2012

    18 ans après L’Eau froide, Olivier Assayas revient sur son adolescence au lendemain de Mai 68 dans ce drame ressenti, mais dépourvu de sensiblerie. Un portrait poignant d’une génération en berne face à une révolution qui a échoué.
