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Fassbinder the Listmaker

by janitor_of_lunacy
Films 20
Comments 1
Followers 46

Taken from ‘’The Anarchy of the Imagination’’, as of 1981 RW Fassbinder making a top 10 of his favorite films:

1. The Damned (dir. Luchino Visconti)
2. The Naked and the Dead (dir. Raoul Walsh)
3. Lola Montes (dir. Max Ophuls)
4. Flamingo Road (dir. Michael Curtiz)
5. Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini)
6. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (dir. Howard Hawks)
7. Dishonored (dir. Josef von Sternberg)
8. The Night of the Hunter (dir. Charles Laughton)
9. Johnny Guitar (dir. Nicholas Ray)
10. The Red Snowball Tree (dir. Vasili Shukshin)


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