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-The Macho King's List of Priority Films That i HAVE YET tO sEE-

by The Macho King
Films 219
Comments 0
Followers 3

Shorthand list of the films that i most wish to see, so this is more so a personal list mainly for myself. Once you get to thousands of films on your watch list (7,235 as of this writing) it becomes overwhelming to keep track of the majority and attempt to be mindful of ones that maintain some sort of priority to you over others. Yes, it is somehow ranked by the ones i’m looking forward to the most watching.

Hope to keep this to no more than 200-250 at a time/maxed.

ABOUT MY NUMBER 1 (read below)

This is reference to the uncut/original directors cut of Welles Magnificent Ambersons- that is the one film...

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