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by Thefuckedupunicorn
Films 226
Comments 0
Followers 0

Also watched:

- Glued, Pixar Short Film
- Mission Statements, Jord Den Hollander; 2012.
- The Drunken Mattress, Alice Guy, 1906.
- Making a Living, Charles Chaplin, 1914.
- Léo e Bia, Oswaldo Montenegro, 2015.
- Eat My Dream, Jessica Dürwald, 2016.
- Ya, Ygor Gama & Florencia Rovlich, 2016.
- On Seeing the Unseen, Daliah Ziper, 2016.
- Novaciéries, Marine Brutti, Jonathan Debrouwer, Arthur Harel, Céline Signoret, 2016.
- A Stroll Down Sunflower Lane, Mayye Zayed, 2016.
- Yes, God, Yes, Karen Maine, 2017.
- Sussurro, Fernando Cabral
- Everything, R. J. Daniel Hanna
- Sleep Well, My Baby, Aaron Tao, Winston Tao
(In no particular order)

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