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Watched in 2011

by Daniel Charchuk
Films 313
Comments 1
Followers 1

A constantly updating list of all the films I’ve watched in 2011, whether for the first time or the 30th. In theatres, at home, at school, and wherever else are all included.

Films not in the database:

The Merry-Go-Round (Tanya Tree, 1966)
Jusqu’au coeur (Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, 1969)
1860 (Alessandro Blasetti, 1936)
Les chats bottés (Claude Fournier, 1971)
La vie rêvée (Mireille Dansereau, 1972)
Entre tu et vous (Gilles Groulx, 1970)
Plusieurs tombent en amour (Guy Simoneau, 1980)
Toni, Randi, & Marie (Ron Hallis, 1973)
Parlez-nous d’amour (Jean-Claude Lord,...

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