Foto de Zoe Kazan

Zoe Kazan

“I love bad movies, whereas going to the theater for me is a painful experience. I think it's really hard to sit and watch actors do something live and have it not go well.”

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    O Atalho


    KELLY REICHARDT Estados Unidos, 2010

    Após a discrição de Wendy e Lucy, Kelly Reichardt surpreendeu a todos com sua própria versão do gênero faroeste: intensamente focado, fascinantemente observador e rico em presságios. Ele continua a parceria de Reichardt com Michelle Williams, mas é Bruce Greenwood como Meek que rouba a cena.

    Vida Selvagem


    PAUL DANO Estados Unidos, 2018

    Discontent with mid-century domesticity, a couple flee its demands, throwing their son prematurely into the mess of adult affairs. Wildlife may be his first film as director and screenwriter, yet Paul Dano comes close to the heights of Greek tragedy in this tale of the nuclear family in crisis.


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