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Premiações e Festivais

Academy Awards
1983 | Nomeado: Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Writers Guild of America
1983 | Nomeado: Best Comedy Written Directly for the Screen (Screen)
Golden Globes (USA)
1983 | Nomeado: Best Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical
New York Film Critics Circle Awards
1982 | 2º lugar: Best Screenplay
Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards
1982 | 2º lugar: Best Screenplay
National Society of Film Critics Awards
1983 | Vencedor: Best Supporting Actor
National Society of Film Critics Awards
1983 | 2º lugar: Best Screenplay
Boston Society of Film Critics Awards
1983 | Vencedor: Best Supporting Actor
Boston Society of Film Critics Awards
1983 | Vencedor: Best Screenplay