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The Mystery of Trinidad

Premiações e Festivais

Goya Awards
2004 | Nomeado: Best Spanish Language Foreign Film
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Nomeado: Best Special Effects
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Nomeado: Best Supporting Actress
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Nomeado: Best Supporting Actor
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Vencedor: Golden Ariel
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Nomeado: Best Actress in a Minor Role
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Vencedor: Best Direction
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Nomeado: Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Vencedor: Best Actor in a Minor Role
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Nomeado: Best Original Score
Ariel Awards (Mexico)
2004 | Nomeado: Best Actor