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por Dally
Filmes 6
Comentários 0
Seguidores 0

09.07.12 // The Song of Home (Mizoguchi, 1925)
09.07.12 // The Curtain Pole (Griffith, 1909)
09.09.12 // Reducing (Reisner, 1931)
09.13.12 // The Mouthpiece (Nugent, 1932)
09.13.12 // Trial (Robson, 1955)
09.13.12 // The Circle (Borzage, 1925)
09.13.12 // West Point (Sedgwick, 1927)
09.13.12 // Bachelor Apartment (Sherman, 1931)
09.27.12 // Moonrise Kingdom (Anderson, 2012)
09.27.12 // The Amazing Spider-Man (Webb, 2012)