Photo of Gbenga Akinnagbe

Gbenga Akinnagbe

Gbenga Akinnagbe

“I use everything I do to try to speak to some sort of social good because that's my guiding principle. I just want to change things because I can, you know? I hope people would say that I left an evolving legacy behind, something that continues to give and change the world and people for the better.”

Available to Watch

    Pitch Black Panacea


    THOMAS HARDIMAN United Kingdom, 2019

    Recalling 1930s Betty Boop classics with its animation, the hypnotic Pitch Black Panacea uses an experimental eye treatment as a launching pad for a surreal character study. Intimate yet absurd, the short predicts a style Thomas Hardiman would later explore in his debut feature, Medusa Deluxe.


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