“I work mainly with Super8 & 16mm film, analog and stereoscopy video. My relationship with these mediums evolved through working with their materiality, their tangibility. What inspires me most is experimental animation and structural film. My practice falls within a process-based approach, fueled by both my experience and findings from my formal research. My goal is to create a conceptual connection between content and the technique I use. Rather than create something beautiful but void of meaning—an illusion at best—I want to create a narrative built on the materiality of the mediums I work with. I am fascinated by any alternative form of the moving image and use various techno-craft processes including a series of hands-on interventions, optical manipulations, and analog distortions to create hybrid and expanded works. By working with film emulsion and video signals, I make a crucial space for imperfections and for my own physicality. I want to make this tell-tale marker as obvious as possible, by linking it to the conceptual elements of the work within what I refer to as a performative framework.”