Photo of Kenneth Tobey

Kenneth Tobey

Kenneth Tobey

[Tom Weaver on Kenneth Tobey] 'Most of the other sci-fi heroes of the ‘50s were scientists or eggheads, but Tobey always represented the military, and in such a hard-nosed, no-nonsense style that you knew as soon as he came on and started barking orders that the monsters had probably bitten off more than they could chew.'

Available to Watch

    Stark Fear


    NED HOCKMAN, SKIP HOMEIER United States, 1962

    A sleazy, slippery noir set in the shadowy oil fields of Oklahoma, Stark Fear was the only film directed by WWII cameraman Ned Hockman. More than a B-movie oddity, this cult grindhouse classic is laced with the sting of Hitchcock, and pitch-perfect performances from Beverly Garland & Skip Homeier.


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