Photo of Massimo Girotti

Massimo Girotti

Massimo Girotti

“[On Ossessione (1943)] We realised that the theme of the film was personal liberty, which was a taboo subject at the time. I had very little experience as an actor, so it wasn't easy for me to render the kind of subtlety that Visconti expected. I remember him obliging me to drink real liqueurs, with the result that after many takes I was drunk and we had to shoot the scene the next day.”

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    LUCHINO VISCONTI Italy, 1976

    The final film by Luchino Visconti (La terra trema, The Leopard) offers a welcome return to the resplendent period dramas that followed his neorealist period. Visconti was an aristocrat with Marxist tendencies, and L’innocente is a sublime critique of the immoral excesses of the upper classes.


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