Photo of Milo Ventimiglia

Milo Ventimiglia

Milo Ventimiglia

“I think people have expectations for everything. No matter what the subjects are. If they know a version of it and movies like Grace of Monaco or Diana are stories about women who are inspiring, women who are look up to, women who did great things. I think if people have their own version and in the movie they don’t get what they want, they go to panic. So I think it’s the nature of movie making: you have to produce the movie you want to produce and if you get positive or negative press or audience reviews it doesn’t matter; you have to make the movie you want to make and be excited about it.”

Available to Watch

    Grace of Monaco


    OLIVIER DAHAN France, 2014

    Following his Edith Piaf film La Vie en Rose, director Olivier Dahan turns his attention to another 20th-century cultural icon. Playing Grace Kelly during her transition from Hollywood star to European princess, Nicole Kidman burnishes the staid traditions of the biopic with a welcome hint of camp.


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