Photo of Xu Haofeng

Xu Haofeng

“My days in Beijing Film Academy witnessed a huge change of taste: from appreciating the French New Wave and Russian poetic cinema into a chase of Hollywood blockbusters. After my graduation, every film studio in China was talking about commercial films while the previous practice was to achieve decent breakthroughs in terms of the film art. ”

Available to Watch

    100 Yards

    100 YARDS

    XU HAOFENG, XU JUNFENG China, 2023

    With lush production design and elegant camerawork, this epic melodrama pits old traditions against modern times, celebrating the craft of kung fu in style. Seemingly arbitrary rules of combat and stubborn macho posturing lend a wry, comic undertone to a dazzling display of lightning-fast fighting.

    The Final Master


    XU HAOFENG China, 2015

    One of the screenwriters on Wong Kar Wai’s kung fu epic The Grandmaster, director Xu Haofeng knows a thing or two about the art of the fight. With dynamic choreography and a breathtaking, weapons-heavy climax, The Final Master is a period action film with a killer eye for clarity in combat.


