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Küss mich - Kyss mig
352 Bewertungen


Kyss mig

Regie von Alexandra-Therese Keining
Schweden, 2011
Drama, Liebesfilm, LGBTQ+

Darum geht's

Uptight Mia is about to announce her own engagement when attending her father’s engagement party. There she not only gains a stepmother, but also a new lover, liberated and gay Frida. In order to be with each other, Mia and Frida struggle through heartbreaking challenges.

Darum geht's

Uptight Mia is about to announce her own engagement when attending her father’s engagement party. There she not only gains a stepmother, but also a new lover, liberated and gay Frida. In order to be with each other, Mia and Frida struggle through heartbreaking challenges.

Darum sehenswert

A family’s heteronormative values are shaken by the blossoming affair between their soon-to-be-married daughter and another woman in the elaborate romantic drama Kiss Me. The film’s actresses won awards for their earnest performances as lovers caught in a passionate yet consequential relationship.