Wunderschönes, faszinierendes, unglaubliches Kino.

Schau nach, was gerade läuft
Dekalog, Neun
548 Bewertungen


Dekalog, dziewięć

Regie von Krzysztof Kieślowski
Polen, 1989
Drama, Fernsehfilm

Darum geht's

Roman, after discovering his impotence, urges his wife Hanka to take a lover. She reluctantly complies, and Roman, despite his earlier words, becomes obsessively jealous. Spying on her, he learns of her affair, and vows to kill himself…

Darum geht's

Roman, after discovering his impotence, urges his wife Hanka to take a lover. She reluctantly complies, and Roman, despite his earlier words, becomes obsessively jealous. Spying on her, he learns of her affair, and vows to kill himself…