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Friday Night Saturday Morning
Friday Night Saturday Morning
660 Bewertungen


Noite de sexta manhã de sábado

Regie von Kleber Mendonça Filho
Brasilien, Ukraine, 2006
Kurzfilm, Drama

Darum geht's

After a party on Friday night, a man goes to a convenience store and calls a woman who is in another country. The two talk a lot and try to connect through the call, as if they were meeting.

Darum geht's

After a party on Friday night, a man goes to a convenience store and calls a woman who is in another country. The two talk a lot and try to connect through the call, as if they were meeting.

Darum sehenswert

Made before global use of smartphones skyrocketed, the charms of this look at long-distance relationships have gained a new resonance over time. A sketch of two people separated by thousands of miles trying to share in a tender moment, this compassionate short is a masterclass in creative editing.