Wunderschönes, faszinierendes, unglaubliches Kino.

Schau nach, was gerade läuft
La dame au chien
8 Bewertungen


Regie von Damien Manivel
Frankreich, 2010
Kurzfilm, Drama

Darum geht's

On a hot summer afternoon, a teenager finds a stray dog in a local park. He decides to take the dog back to its owner. A fat black woman, half drunk, opens the door and asks him in by way of thanks. They sit down in the living room. The young man feels very ill-at-ease.

Darum geht's

On a hot summer afternoon, a teenager finds a stray dog in a local park. He decides to take the dog back to its owner. A fat black woman, half drunk, opens the door and asks him in by way of thanks. They sit down in the living room. The young man feels very ill-at-ease.