Wunderschönes, faszinierendes, unglaubliches Kino.

Schau nach, was gerade läuft
Mein 20. Jahrhundert
603 Bewertungen


Az én XX. századom

Regie von Ildikó Enyedi
Ungarn, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1989
Drama, Komödie

Darum geht's

Born on the day Edison invents the light bulb, Dora and Lili are separated in childhood after their mother’s death, and follow different paths. They meet again on the Orient Express in 1899, one a con woman, scamming money from men, the other a member of a group of feminist revolutionaries.

Darum geht's

Born on the day Edison invents the light bulb, Dora and Lili are separated in childhood after their mother’s death, and follow different paths. They meet again on the Orient Express in 1899, one a con woman, scamming money from men, the other a member of a group of feminist revolutionaries.