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わが青春に悔なし | Waga seishun ni kuinashi

Regie von Akira Kurosawa
Japan, 1946

Darum geht's

Yukie is a young woman living in 1930s Japan, unaware of the political changes occurring around her. She is shocked into reality when her father, a professor, has to resign for preaching anti-fascist views. More aware of the world around her, Yukie falls in love with one of her dad’s students.

Darum geht's

Yukie is a young woman living in 1930s Japan, unaware of the political changes occurring around her. She is shocked into reality when her father, a professor, has to resign for preaching anti-fascist views. More aware of the world around her, Yukie falls in love with one of her dad’s students.

Darum sehenswert

An early film from Kurosawa, the political drama No Regrets For Our Youth is anchored by its luminous lead Setsuko Hara—who in subsequent years become better known—and beloved the world over—for her regular collaborations with Yasujiro Ozu. Based on the 1933 Kyoto University Takagawa protests.