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Rockets Redglare!


Regie von Luis Fernandez de la Reguera
USA, 2003

Darum geht's

Michael Morra AKA “Rockets Redglare” acted in over 30 films. Born to a 15 year old heroin addict mother, he became a drug addict/dealer himself & was a mainstay in the NYC music, art, & indie film scenes in the 80’s/90’s, befriending Jim Jarmusch, Steve Buscemi, & Jean Michel Basquiat, among others.

Darum geht's

Michael Morra AKA “Rockets Redglare” acted in over 30 films. Born to a 15 year old heroin addict mother, he became a drug addict/dealer himself & was a mainstay in the NYC music, art, & indie film scenes in the 80’s/90’s, befriending Jim Jarmusch, Steve Buscemi, & Jean Michel Basquiat, among others.