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Die drei Welten des Gulliver
23 Bewertungen


The 3 Worlds of Gulliver

Regie von Jack Sher
USA, 1960
Abenteuerfilm, Familienfilm, Fantasy

Darum geht's

Doctor Gulliver is poor, so nothing – not even his charming fiancée Elisabeth – keeps him in the town he lives. He signs on to a ship to India, but in a storm he’s washed off the ship and ends up on an island, which is inhibitated by very tiny people.

Darum geht's

Doctor Gulliver is poor, so nothing – not even his charming fiancée Elisabeth – keeps him in the town he lives. He signs on to a ship to India, but in a storm he’s washed off the ship and ends up on an island, which is inhibitated by very tiny people.