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The Forest of the Lost Souls
The Forest of the Lost Souls
28 Bewertungen


A Floresta das Almas Perdidas

Regie von José Pedro Lopes
Portugal, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, 2016
Horror, Drama, Mystery

Darum geht's

The Forest of the Lost Souls is a dense and remote forest, Portugal’s most popular place for suicide. In a summer morning, two strangers meet within the woods.Ricardo is a family man dealing with the passing of his daughter. Carolina is a offbeat hipster who finds death fun.

Darum geht's

The Forest of the Lost Souls is a dense and remote forest, Portugal’s most popular place for suicide. In a summer morning, two strangers meet within the woods.Ricardo is a family man dealing with the passing of his daughter. Carolina is a offbeat hipster who finds death fun.