Wunderschönes, faszinierendes, unglaubliches Kino.

Schau nach, was gerade läuft
Castle to Castle
14 Bewertungen


D'un château l'autre

Regie von Emmanuel Marre
Belgien, Frankreich, 2018

Darum geht's

Spring 2017, in between the two rounds of the French presidential election. Pierre lives with 75-year-old Francine, who is disabled and wheelchair-bound. Politically and socially opposed, they are perplexed and disoriented as they witness the unfolding electoral spectacle.

Darum geht's

Spring 2017, in between the two rounds of the French presidential election. Pierre lives with 75-year-old Francine, who is disabled and wheelchair-bound. Politically and socially opposed, they are perplexed and disoriented as they witness the unfolding electoral spectacle.