Wunderschönes, faszinierendes, unglaubliches Kino.

Schau nach, was gerade läuft
I Cut Your Tongue


Ich schneide deine Zunge

Regie von Alice Dalgalarrondo
Deutschland, 2017

Darum geht's

Film tribute to female edi- tors. Allegorically, the lm makes reference to the activity of editing, initially delegated to women because of an analogy with the activity of sewing. It was thus considered an inferior process in the lm-making industry.

Darum geht's

Film tribute to female edi- tors. Allegorically, the lm makes reference to the activity of editing, initially delegated to women because of an analogy with the activity of sewing. It was thus considered an inferior process in the lm-making industry.