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Die Kameliendame
Die Kameliendame
40 Bewertungen


La storia vera della signora dalle camelie

Regie von Mauro Bolognini
Frankreich, Italien, 1981

Darum geht's

Mauro Bolognini’s adaptation of Alexandre Dumas Jr’s La dame aux camélias with Isabelle Huppert in the central role. A young girl from the provinces, comes to Paris with one goal: to become a part of the rich bourgeoisie. To achieve this she will use her unique beauty and charm.

Darum geht's

Mauro Bolognini’s adaptation of Alexandre Dumas Jr’s La dame aux camélias with Isabelle Huppert in the central role. A young girl from the provinces, comes to Paris with one goal: to become a part of the rich bourgeoisie. To achieve this she will use her unique beauty and charm.