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Murder, My Sweet
Murder, My Sweet
573 Bewertungen


Regie von Edward Dmytryk
USA, 1944
Drama, Thriller, Film noir

Darum geht's

One night in Los Angeles, the private eye Philip Marlowe is hired by Moose Malloy, a big tough guy who after his release from prison wants to find his ex-girlfriend Velma. But every lead Marlowe follows leads to more deception and trouble, and it’s Helen Grayle who seems to be behind it all.

Darum geht's

One night in Los Angeles, the private eye Philip Marlowe is hired by Moose Malloy, a big tough guy who after his release from prison wants to find his ex-girlfriend Velma. But every lead Marlowe follows leads to more deception and trouble, and it’s Helen Grayle who seems to be behind it all.