Wunderschönes, faszinierendes, unglaubliches Kino.

Schau nach, was gerade läuft
Die Straßenwalze und die Geige
Die Straßenwalze und die Geige
960 Bewertungen


Каток и скрипка

Regie von Andrei Tarkovsky
Sowjetunion, 1961
Kurzfilm, Drama

Darum geht's

The seven-year-old fiddler (Igor Fomchenko) tries to sneak downstairs to his afternoon recital but is stopped first by neighborhood bullies, then by the sparkle of a mirrored window display, which gives him the world through spider eyes. A smiling girl sits by his side in the waiting room…

Darum geht's

The seven-year-old fiddler (Igor Fomchenko) tries to sneak downstairs to his afternoon recital but is stopped first by neighborhood bullies, then by the sparkle of a mirrored window display, which gives him the world through spider eyes. A smiling girl sits by his side in the waiting room…