Wunderschönes, faszinierendes, unglaubliches Kino.

Schau nach, was gerade läuft
You Can No Longer Remain Silent


Du darfst nicht länger schweigen

Regie von Robert A. Stemmle
Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1955
Drama, Liebesfilm

Darum geht's

Katane is a small fishing village on the north coast. Haldor Bessanson has bought himself a farm here and plans to marry Salvör, the former owner’s daughter. One day, however, he shipwrecks on an island and falls in love with Mary, and must decide: Salvör or Many?

Darum geht's

Katane is a small fishing village on the north coast. Haldor Bessanson has bought himself a farm here and plans to marry Salvör, the former owner’s daughter. One day, however, he shipwrecks on an island and falls in love with Mary, and must decide: Salvör or Many?