Photo of Tan Zhuo

Tan Zhuo

Tan Zhuo

Available to Watch

    A Short Story


    BI GAN China, 2022

    All the inventiveness of Bi Gan—the Chinese cineaste best known for an epic with an astonishing hour-long take—is channeled into his spellbinding new short. Unfurling from a feline point-of-view, this surrealist trick film draws from the realm of dreams and is brimming with technical magic.

    Spring Fever


    LOU YE Hong Kong, 2009

    The insubordinate nature of Spring Fever detonated when, bypassing the Chinese authorities, the film premiered in Cannes competition during the five-year ban from filmmaking imposed on Lou Ye. A film that challenges social and moral taboos, alive with stirring rebelliousness and queer sensuality.


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