Hong Kong Film Awards' List of The Best 100 Chinese Motion Pictures

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To celebrate one hundred years of Chinese cinema, Hong Kong Film Awards just release a list of The Best 100 Chinese Motion Pictures. 1948’s black and white classic Springtime in a Small Town by director Fei Mu is rank No. 1 on the list. The list, selected by a panel of 101 filmmakers, critics and scholars, includes 24 films from Mainland China (11 from pre-1949 and 13 from post-1949), 61 from Hong Kong, 16 from Taiwan, and 2 co-productions.

Missing from list:

84 Feast of a Rich Family 1959 Hong Kong Lee Sun-Fung / Li Tie / Ng Wui / Lo Ji-Hung
92 Festival Moon 1953 Hong Kong Zhu...

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