Japanese Film Noir

user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby gamallgamall
Films 160
Comments 3
Followers 308

update (ongoing)
Selections 01-12: Top Picks
Selections 13-42: 1960s
Selections 43-57: 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, 1920s
Selections 59-77: 1990s, 1980s, 1970s
Selections 78-121: Vintage Film Series 1960s,
1970s & select modern directors
rest of list up to 157 is unsorted films
157 onwards – new additions added December 2021 onwards

Respect Due: This list was started from a list of films screened at the San Sebastian
International Film Festival in 2008. I’ve added to it and will continue to add to it randomly. Enjoy !