Palme d'or Winners of Cannes I've Watched So Far

user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby Scorpio Velvet
Films 38
Comments 2
Followers 5

Even though, it was originally named as “Grand Prix du Festival International du Film” before being renamed as “Palme d’or” and going back to its original name until 1975 was when they’ve decided to keep the rename as we all know it today. This is a personal checklist of titles I’ve watched so far from the artistic & entertaining film festival I adore watching titles shown from.

Yet to see the following: MIRACLE IN MILIAN (1951), MISS JULIE (1951), OTHELLO (1952), MARTY (1955), THE SILENT WORLD (1956), FRIENDLY PERSUASION (1957), LA DOLCE VITA (1960), A MAN AND A WOMAN (1966), THE...

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