Reel Food

by Catherine Krummey
Films 69
Comments 3
Followers 26

Food- and beverage-themed movies. Also movies where at least one of the main characters is a chef/restaurateur/etc.

The list only has the movies I’ve seen.

Missing from The Auteurs’ database: Matchmaker Santa (2012, dir. David S. Cass Sr.)

Films I need to see: All in This Tea (2007), Apres Vous (2003), The Baker’s Wife (1938), Bella (2006), The Big Feast (1973), The Biggest Chinese Restaurant in the World (2008), Bitter Feast (2010), Bottle Shock (2008), A Chef in Love (1996), Chicken Rice War (2000), The Chinese Feast (1995), Conversations with My Gardener (2007), Cooking with Stella (2009), Crossing...

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