The 100 Best Soviet Union Films

user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby Pavel
Films 87
Comments 10
Followers 325

I consider only feature films (from 60 minutes).
Unfortunately many best films of the USSR aren’t present in base.
Names of these films:
88. Marionetki (1933, Yakov Protazanov)
89. The Four Hearts (1941, Konstantin Yudin)
90. The Marriage (1944, Isidor Annensky)
91. The Tiger Girl (1954, Aleksandr Ivanovsky, Nadezhda Kosheverova)
92. The House I Live In (1957, Lev Kulidzhanov, Yakov Segel)
93. The Bread and Roses (1960, Fyodor Filippov)
94. Day of the Sun and Rain (1967, Viktor Sokolov)
95. The Magician (1967, Pyotr Todorovskiy)
96. Three Days of Viktor Chernyshov...

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