user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby Kenji
Films 106
Comments 15
Followers 78

Here’s a subject to warm the cockles of any Welsh heart. See how in Sleep Furiously the sheep create patterns in the landscape to make Kiarostami envious. Marvel at the birth of a lamb on the Kazakh steppes in Tulpan, at how sheep sow further confusion for the Bourgeoisie in Exterminating Angel, are present with fellow feeling for the end of the noble donkey Balthazar, or help out the little piglet Babe… And in Killer of Sheep, may they depart the barbarous world of men for a better place, where the lamb may safely lie with the wolf and no more shall the Kea bird prey on the helpless flock


Dolly, a Finn Dorsett ewe,...

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