Foto de Rolfe Kanefsky

Rolfe Kanefsky

“No matter how many film courses you take, nothing compares to actually being on a set and making a movie. In this business, school and the real world are very, very different. My advice to any people who want to get into films is to start making films, shorts, video, 8mm, whatever. Hands on experience is the only way you really understand what it takes. Film books can give you hints and ideas, but that's all. It's about doing, not reading.”

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    CHARLIE SHACKLETON Reino Unido, 2015

    Tras entusiastas proyecciones de prueba, un nuevo tipo de film de terror de los 90 posmodernos fue víctima de una distribución torpe y mucha mala suerte. Buscando la verdad en un vídeo de nueve minutos, Charlie Shackleton presta su micrófono al desafortunado cineasta del clásico de culto eclipsado.


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Guion para cine

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