Foto de Visar Morina

Visar Morina

[Leo Barraclough on Visar Morina]: Born in Kosovo in 1979, Morina moved to Germany with his family when he was 15. He started working on the script for “Babai” in 2007, with funding from Film und Media Stiftung NRW in Germany. Heading to Kosovo to write, he stayed almost six months. Through a former tutor, he met up with his producer, Nicole Gerhards of Berlin’s Niko Film.

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    VISAR MORINA Alemania, 2020

    Visar Morina’s multi-award-winning psychodrama craftily disorients the viewer’s eye to create a sense of paranoia and unrest. Adding excellent touches of dark humour, Morina constructs an uncompromising investigation of the immigrant experience and xenophobia within the urban middle class.


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