Photo de Massimo Girotti

Massimo Girotti

Massimo Girotti

“[On Ossessione (1943)] We realised that the theme of the film was personal liberty, which was a taboo subject at the time. I had very little experience as an actor, so it wasn't easy for me to render the kind of subtlety that Visconti expected. I remember him obliging me to drink real liqueurs, with the result that after many takes I was drunk and we had to shoot the scene the next day.”




    LUCHINO VISCONTI Italie, 1976

    Le dernier film de Luchino Visconti (La terre tremble, Le Guépard) marque son retour vers les drames historiques qui ont suivi sa période néoréaliste. Visconti était un aristocrate aux tendances marxistes, et L’innocent est une sublime critique des excès immoraux des classes supérieures.


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