Photo de Sheila Gish

Sheila Gish

Sheila Gish

[Alan Strachan on Sheila Gish]: Gish was impressive in all her roles (for which she won the Clarence Derwent Award for Best Supporting Performance), especially fine as a local dignitary resplendent in fuchsia silk and picture-hat in Gosforth's Fête, a sublimely funny miniature farce, which saw her snooty condescension reduced to muddied hysteria by a combination of a thunderstorm, marauding boy scouts, a malfunctioning tea-urn and a malignly short-circuiting microphone.




    JAMES IVORY France, 1981

    L’adaptation de Merchant-Ivory, qui met en scène Isabelle Adjani dans un récit d’amour à quatre, évoque le glamour sordide du roman de Jean Rhys. Dans les cafés intimistes et les boîtes de nuit sexy, Quartet se délecte de l’hédonisme bohème du Paris des années 20 et expose la cruauté des riches.


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