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Best Acting Performance By Year (1939-2022)

par Danny Bailey
Films 84
Commentaires 0
Abonnés 7

These opinions come from my perceptions of good acting and how it dominates the film. These roles truly stood out from others, and it doesn’t matter the amount of attention it got, as long as the acting was superb. This will start in 1939 as this is when film really evolved. I will update this sporadically if I see a performance that outdoes the current one listed below in that respected year.

1939 Robert Donat – Goodbye Mr. Chips
1940 Judith Anderson – Rebecca
1941 Orson Welles – Citizen Kane
1942 Ronald Colman – Random Harvest
1943 Humphrey Bogart – Casablanca
1944 Claude Rains – Mr...

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